The Eucharistic Revival Project

We are grateful to share our editor-in-chief, Christina M. Sorrentino’s, excerpt from Chapter 5: The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist of Missio Dei’s new book “The Eucharistic Revival Project” by En Route Books and Media.

We take part in the heavenly liturgy where our intimate encounter with Christ is mediated to the Church through earthly bread and wine, that which has been revealed to us to be where His Real Presence is found. The liturgical celebration of the Eucharist is a means of “turning around of exitus to reditus, of departure to return, of God’s descent to our assent” It was the climax of the exitus when the Son of God being sent by the Father descended from heaven to take on human flesh at the Incarnation; the revelation of the Second Person of the Trinity, bringing humanity into union with God. Our reditus is when we respond to the Incarnation, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection. It is our return to God when we receive and consume the Eucharist, having a sacramental encounter with Christ that purifies, illumines, and perfects us, when our reality ascends to heaven drawing us back to unity and perfect harmony with God.

The Church teaches that the Body and Blood united with the Soul and Divinity of Christ, the whole Person of Jesus Christ, is real, true, and present in the most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist. The human person is formed through the sacrament of Baptism in the “image and likeness” of God, corporeal and spiritual, having a body and soul, therefore the Son of Man has His whole human nature together with His whole Divine nature in the Eucharist. The humanity of Christ is hypostatically united with His Divinity; He is consubstantial with the Father and the Holy Spirit. As True God and true man He is fully present in the Eucharist as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.

It is not optional for Catholics to believe in transubstantiation; it is an article of faith that at the consecration, the substance of the bread and the wine undergo a conversion into the Body and Blood of Christ, and Christ becomes really and truly present in the Eucharist. St. Thomas Aquinas brings attention to the fact that in Sacred Scripture Christ at the Last Supper is not quoted saying the words, “This bread is my body,” but, “This is my body.” The consecration of the Eucharist takes place at the “words of institution” spoken by the priest, in persona Christi Capitis, which effects the Sacrament, and had been declared by the Council of Florence as an official position of the Magisterium.

The book can be purchased directly at En Route Books and Media or Amazon




Christina M. Sorrentino

Christina M. Sorrentino

Christina M. Sorrentino is the Editor-in-Chief at Ignitum Today, and a regular contributor to Word on Fire. She is also a co-leader for a Maria Goretti Network Chapter, the facilitator of a Vianney Cenacle affiiated with the Foundation of Prayer for Priests, and teaches religion at a local Catholic high school. Sorrentino has contributed to various publications, including Missio Dei and Homiletic and Pastoral Review, has appeared on Sacred Heart Radio, and has been featured in the National Catholic Register’s “Best in Catholic Blogging”. She is the published author of Called to Love A Listening Heart - A Book of Catholic Poetry. She is a devout Catholic who resides in Staten Island, New York, and you can visit her website at Called to Love - A Listening Heart, where she writes about the musings of a millennial Catholic called to love, or follow her on Twitter.

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