From Ruth and Sarah

Way back when I first became a contributor to this excellent site, the first post suggestion was to do something biographical. Talk about who I am. Of course, I didn”t do this, not in any formal sense. I struggled with how to capture who I am and what I”m about in 400-700 words.

Then I came across this writing prompt, and as any good prompt does, it got the creative juices flowing. Now, after many hours spent staring into the distance and thinking, I have a poem to share that describes where I come from, which is a huge part of who I am.

So here goes:

I am from Girl Scout badges, sewn on by hand, from Original Tide powder, and washing dishes up to my elbows in suds.

I am from the well-loved, the hand-me-down, the every room has a story to tell.

I am from the green grass, wet under my bare feet, the million fireflies on a cool, June night.

I am from the Christmas morning mad-dash, and silent embraces speaking volumes, from Clark and Charles, from Ruth and Sarah.

I am from the keep it to yourself and give until it hurts.

From your mother will always be with you, and never give less than your best.

I am from the body, the blood, nbso online casino reviews the soul, the divinity. From O come, O come, Emmanuel and Behold the wood of the Cross. From fiat, everyday fiat and grace like rain. From the One who says, “Behold I make all things new.”

I”m from down the shore, the Garden State, the Electric City, from sun-soaked Palermo and the Trail of Tears; from pasta sauce, always homemade and a recipe for stuffing carried across the ocean in Rose”s breast pocket.

From the time she threw his ring in the grass and said, “never again”, the strongest women I ever knew, and the redemption of a mother”s suffering offered freely.

I am from albums stacked high on dusty closet shelves, a mantle covered in years of smiles, from two yellowing letters (she made her e”s like mine), reaching across time to carry me home.

Where are you from?

h/t to Dwija

Sarah Babbs

Sarah Babbs

Sarah Babbs is a married mother of a toddler girl, writing from Indiana where she moved for love after growing up on the east coast. Sarah and her husband, a lawyer, lead marriage prep classes for their parish in addition to daydreaming about becoming lunatic farmers. During stolen moments when the toddler sleeps and the laundry multiplies itself, Sarah writes about motherhood, Catholic social thought, and ponders the meaning of being a woman "made in the image of God". Her website is Fumbling Toward Grace.

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6 thoughts on “From Ruth and Sarah”

  1. Wow!!! You are a writer. One job of a writer is to prompt the reader to think. And so I think, what would I write if were to do a poem telling where I come from. I know I won’t take the time to write it. But you have at least made me think. And that is what good writing does. Thank you for writing.

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